
Posted on Sun 04 December 2022 in Terminology

Pre-training in AI refers to training a model with one task to help it form parameters that can be used in other tasks.

The language models we will be dealing with are trained in a specific way to solve an artificial task (for example, guessing blanks in sentences for BERT), and that knowledge is used in order to solve other tasks.

BERT and ELECTRA are two pre-training techniques used for the same structure of nodes, and both of them use unstructured data, that is, data we do not have to label ourselves, in the form of a large corpus of text that we can obtain from the internet.

Pre-training involves setting the number of parameters and layers required, pointing the training code to the text used to train, and letting it run and refine the network for a while. This can take days.

The training code for many popular models like ELECTRA are available online on Hugging Face, and only need to be modified slighty, easing our task considerably.